Monday, 27 February 2012

What Do I Do Now?

Hello. Not blogged for a long time. There have been various reasons for not blogging on here. One of which was I actually had a relationship with a female! Yes, amazing though it seems, I actually did! It was purely physical and with someone I used to date about 15-20 years ago. It was great fun - we'd go out, then watch porn and then have wild uninhibited sex for quite some time, but it was never going to last. Just two old friends grasping at straws to be honest.

Then I bumped into my old friend Lisa. I used to work with Lisa. She is slightly younger than me, single and has been for sometime. I have offered my services, but I keep being told I am a friend and THAT IS ALL. And after a long and fruitless conversation with friends tonight I guess they are right- it is going to stay that way. Lisa is still single and still looking for a relationship with someone special. But apparently that person is not me. And never will be. I am just too ginger, just too fat, just too ugly to be her man. And there was me thinking personality had something to do with it. How wrong I was.

Very low tonight, but at least no one ever reads this blog. Unless of course you do read this blog, in which case leave me a message. I'd really appreciate it. I'll still be fucking single, but happier.